Saturday, December 28, 2019

Character Analysis Trifles - 916 Words

Attention: Gender Roles Explain what is important about the title of â€Å"Trifles.† The title of the play refers to the statement â€Å"Well, women are used to worrying over trifles.† (561) Where Mr. Peters drawing attention to the broken jars of fruit preserves. I think that Mr. Hale statement was degrading toward the two ladies. When I got farther in the play Mr. Hale changed his mind, because the two women found the minor items that the men did not find while searching for clues. Sheriff Peters, attorney Henderson, and Mr. Wright’s neighbor Mr. Hale enter a dark unorganized kitchen of the farmhouse. To find that Mr. Wright has been strangled to death with a rope around his neck. His wife is the main suspect. She told attorney Henderson that she was sleeping when someone murders her husband’s. The wives of the investigators look around the farmhouse for clues to solve his death. I learned in the play that Mrs. Wright was one time a cheerful woman. The women’s roles in society have made a major impact in the United States. Women in other countries are looked at as the housekeepers and child bearers. The play tells the audience the kitchen is a gloomy dark place. When I think of a gloomy kitchen it symbolizes depressing and unorganized space. Mrs. Wright’s kitchen tells me that she did not take care of cleaning the kitchen. Women in early 1900 s were considered as housekeepers. So, when the men saw how her kitchen was they looked down on her. The sheriff got a chair and looked onShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Florence And Trifles And Doubts1193 Words   |  5 PagesIn the plays, Florence and Trifles and Doubts, there are many different topics that are prominent. The ones I plan on focusing on are gender roles and race roles. The gender roles in Trifles and Doubts that I shall talk about is how our main character, Mrs. Write, went over the edge in traditional women’s roles in the 1900’s. The race roles in Florence that I shall talk about is how that despite in a racist society, someone can still chase their dreams. This 1950 play by Alice Childress takes placeRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of Susan Glaspell s Trifles 1714 Words   |  7 PagesA Rose for Emily written by William Faulkner and Trifles written by Susan Glaspell loneliness, poverty and isolation consume the lives of the characters. Susan Glaspell’s play â€Å"Trifles† written in 1916. In this play the author’s talks of her preoccupation with culture- bound notions of gender and sex roles. Glaspell says women are considered trifles which mean they are not important to society which is carried out by men (Baym, p. 742). In Trifles written by Susan Glaspell the time is in the earlyRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles And A Jury Of Her Peers984 Words   |  4 Pages Although â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers† and â€Å"Trifles† are similar in plot, Mustazza’s article, â€Å"Generic Translation and Thematic Shift in Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’ and ‘A Jury of Her Peers’† highlights the differences and similarities between the two. Mustazza’s article may help aid readers to understand the differences between Glaspell’s two works and provide understanding as to why Glaspell may have changed the genre and form of the plot. â€Å"Trifles† is a dramatic play whereas â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers† is proseRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Susan Glaspells Trifles1788 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis of Natures in Susan Glaspells Trifles A trifle is something that has little value or importance, and there are many seeming trifles in Susan Glaspells one-act play Trifles. The irony is that these trifles carry more weight and significance than first seems to be the case. Just as Glaspells play ultimately reveals a sympathetic nature in Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, the evidence that the men investigators fail to observe, because they are blind to the things that have importanceRead MoreAltered Perspectives in Trifles729 Words   |  3 Pagesmurdered husband in the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell. Perception, however, can be impaired by many things. For example, what is being concentrated on at any given moment, upbringing, social biases, and gender can all influence how different people perceive the world. A character analysis between the male and female roles in Trifles illustrates how gender disparities can skew perception, allowing what is right before one’s eyes to be essentially ignored by some of the character s. Glaspell illustrates theRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1732 Words   |  7 Pageswomen and the negative effects they have on women. In Glaspell s play Trifles, it is revealed that the operations of patriarchy are just an illusion that men have created to make themselves feel superior to women. Even though, at the time of this play, all of these aspects (economic, political, social and psychological) appeared to be male-dominated because they held these roles that women were not allowed to have. Trifles was written in 1916 during the First Wave of Feminism which occurred fromRead MoreSusan Glaspell’s One-Act Play, Trifles: Men Vs Women1190 Words   |  5 PagesSusan Glaspell’s one-act play â€Å"Trifles.† Some see it as an example of early feminist drama, others the idea of the way small towns deal with issues like murder, still others the gender differences in both the interpretation and analysis of facts surrounding a mysterious crime. In general, t he play is based on the murder of a Mr. Wright, and the title of the play comes from the critique from the men of the town, who berate the women for spending time â€Å"worrying over trifles† (Glaspell 918) rather thanRead MoreA Doll s House : Henrik Ibsen962 Words   |  4 PagesDrama Analysis A Doll’s House (Henrik Ibsen) And Trifles (Susan Glaspell) In comparing both dramas, the overwhelming aspect of convergence between both is the open discussion of gender identity. Both dramas make similar points about what it means to be a woman. Modern society in both dramas is constructed with men holding power over women. This is seen in Trifles in how men like George Henderson and Mr. Hale are myopic. The premise of the drama is how women worry over trifles, and the dismissiveRead MoreScript Analysis of Trifles by Susan Glaspell910 Words   |  4 PagesScript Analysis of â€Å"Trifles† by Susan Glaspell Summary   In the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell, there are five characters, three men and two women.   They are in a house where the murder of Mr. Wright took place the day before.   The men are trying to find evidence to name a killer or motivation to name Mrs. Wright as the murderer.   While the men are downstairs, the women occupy themselves with looking around the kitchen and living room.   They take note of Mrs. Wrights canned fruit and the factRead MoreThe Role Of Women In The Doll House And Trifles1667 Words   |  7 Pagesweaker sex. It was the women’s job to stay home to cook and raise the children. While these are still prevalent issues, it is also true that things has gotten better for some women in recent years. Works like â€Å"The Doll House† by Henrik Ibsen and â€Å"Trifles† by Susan Glaspell have helped advance the idea of what roles women should play in society. In each play there are strong, female protagonists who, despite being oppressed by the societal rules against women, learn to rebel and fight for what they

Friday, December 20, 2019

Direct and Indirect Discrimination Essay - 666 Words

Presentation for Direct and Indirect Discrimination Direct discrimination can be less favourable treatment, which includes harassment or bullying. Comparably similar legal definitions of indirect discrimination and harassment apply in respect of sexual orientation, religion, age, gender and disability. Most people understand direct discrimination. Indirect discrimination occurs where the effect of certain requirements, conditions or practices imposed by an employer or education provider has an adverse impact disproportionately on one group or other. Indirect discrimination generally occurs when a rule or condition, which is applied equally to everyone, can be met by a considerably smaller proportion of people from a particular†¦show more content†¦During Ramadan he asks to have his evening meal after sunset. He is told that this is not possible during summer because it would mean having supper too late for the other residents. This is indirect discrimination if the care home cannot show a good reason (or justification) for their refusal. If the kitchen is closed it may be justifiable to offer him a cold meal which could be served after sunset so that there would be no indirect discrimination Inclusion. . .is about involving people as much as possible in all decision making activities, as well as promoting independence by encouraging active participation, giving the individual choice, sharing information, trust and acceptance. . . Example Recently I cared for a female resident from Germany and although she had lived here for many years, her English was very broken. To help me overcome the language barrier I used; Picture Flash Cards, Flash Cards with German and English phrases on them, non-verbal gestures and an English/German dictionary. By using these different methods of communication I was able to; Encourage and support her to participate in social activities, share information about her well-being and her likes and dislikes with my co-workers and encourage and support her to keep her independence. By doing these simple things and using the right communication methods enabled her to keep her independence and allowed herShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination Research Paper1520 Words   |  7 PagesResearch Report Kevin Clerkley Discrimination Thesis Statement: Throughout the United States, there are millions of Americans who are struggling against direct and indirect discrimination. Discrimination is the making of a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Our world has always been faced with the problem of discrimination. It is one of the most discussed topics nowadays and throughout history. 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Indirect and direction discrimination are both unlawful in the Sex Discrimination Acts. This act applies to direct and indirect discriminations. For this act, direct discrimination means a less qualified man could be given a job over a more qualified woman. Indirect discriminationRead MoreDiscrimination In The Workplace1211 Words   |  5 Pages While the world has unanimously advanced and is more accepting of change, the workplace continues to be a place of discrimination, prejudice and inequality. Discrimination is broadly defined to ‘distinguish unfavourably’, isolate; and is context based (Pagura, 2012). Abrahams (1991) described the workplace as an ‘inhospitable place’ where gender disparity and wage gaps persist (Stamarski Son Hing, 2015). Among other states and countries, the Australian government actively implements and passesRead MorePrinciples Of Diversity, Equality And Inclusion In Adult Social Care1414 Words   |  6 Pagestake part in a range of activities that are available to everyone. Information must be made easily available in a way that individuals can understand. It means involving individuals in planning for the services they use. †¢ Discrimination Discrimination is the act of treating a person differently, negatively or positively, because of that person s race, class, sexual orientation or gender or any other group to which that person belongs, rather than assessing individual needs and meritsRead MoreEssay about Social Care Theory for Practice1426 Words   |  6 PagesHowever diverse or multicultural we may be doesn’t always mean we are diverse and considerate in our approach to specific groups, cultures, religions, etc Having been subjected to direct/indirect prejudices’, I am mindful to consider all members of society and strive not prejudge people, and to avoid discrimination at all cost. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Media Marketing In Tourism And Hospitality -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Media Marketing In Tourism And Hospitality? Answer: Introducation This report aims to include all the components and strategies of promotional plan, which are used by Ocean City Plaza Motel to approach its target audiences. By using these techniques, the company will be generating service value in the future. Product or Service Overview Ocean City Plaza is a well-established motel, which is located as a beachfront motel at Bondi beach, Sydney, Australia. The Motel is making every effort to make guests comfortable and satisfied. It is facing and adjacent to the beach and located near to the bus stop. Ocean City Plaza is the motel, which is attracting its target audiences by offering best hospitality and accommodation amenities. In its menu, it is offering food from 25 different areas, including vegetarian, non-vegetarian, healthy and dietary food and other demanding options from customers. Top features of Ocean City Plaza include effectively managed check-in and check-out operations, Helipad, swimming pools, parking space, restaurant, and rooftop live caf etc. To attract its target customers, company is providing many offers like; discount on air ticket, pick and drop services from stations and airport, car rental services, Gym facility, bar, laundry services etc. The organization offers the rooms and space for the p eople, who want to spend time with their friends and families, business professionals searching for a space to hold business meeting and honeymooners ( 2017). Target Audiences For its accommodation and hospitality services, Ocean City Plaza Motel is targeting the customers, who wish to spend good time with their friends and families. Moreover, it is focusing on the business professionals and organizations by providing space for business meetings and reunion parties. In addition to above, other target audiences are couples, honeymooners, and fishermen. Ocean City Plaza Motel is offering different categories of rooms according to customer budget and requirements. For its target market, the major strategy of the organization is to develop this motel into a popular destination choice for local and outside people, who are reaching Sydney for leisure and business purposes (Assaf, Agbola, 2014). Competitive Analysis Ocean City Plaza Motel in Sydney is facing intense competition from several leading hospitality organizations in the area, i.e. QT Bondi, Adina Bondi Beach and Hotel Bondi. As compared to its competitors, this motel is offering all the above mentioned services at affordable rates. At Ocean City Plaza, there is an availability of different room categories, like; single rooms, double rooms and family size also. Other competitors are not providing all services and amenities as Ocean City Plaza is offering in this beach area (Bergin-Seers, Jago, 2007). Justification for better value The organization will look for improving its brand value, so that it can increase its customer base. The marketers of Ocean City Plaza Motel can provide more offers and discounts for attracting local and overseas people towards its hospitality services. By extending its target market, the motel can cover bachelors, who are reaching Australia for education and holiday purpose. Research Methods Methodology is a step by step process, which is developed for attaining a research objective. For this research, both primary and secondary research methods will be used. Research study will be conducted through questionnaire for understanding the preferences and needs of customers towards beach adjacent motel. This questionnaire form will be arranged in a manner to know about the expectations of people. It will assist the organization in formulating an appropriate marketing and business strategy. Primary data will be collected by circulating this questionnaire among 500 guests of beach front motel and distributing this all over the city to above 18 years old age people. This questionnaire will be divided in three sections, from which first section will include the demographic variables and second part will be related to different factors of promotion mix. It will have five point ratings indicating satisfaction level of customers. The comparative weights will be given from one to fiv e, where five will be the highest rank, i.e. highly satisfied at beach front motel (Bruni, Cassia, Magno, 2017). Moreover, secondary data will be gathered from internet, competitors websites, journals of hospitality management, journals of marketing, business review and business magazines. Furthermore, this beachfront motel will use STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) to understand and approach its customers. It can use different variables of segmentation approach such as; demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral. By focusing on these characteristics, the organization will prefer to target its audiences and develop marketing strategies. In the case of secondary data collection, the motel will check the validity and reliability of sources. In addition to this, it will consider the ethical and legal aspects, while delivering the brand message to its target audiences (Chen, Liu, Chang, 2013). Current Value Analysis Value analysis is a systematic process, which is developed by an organization to assess each and every product feature. It is used by an organization to ensure that the product or service cost is appropriate according to its functions (Miles, 2015). For the services, it can be stated that what service offerings should be minimized and maximized according to requirement of customers. Value perceived by customers and competitors value Customer perceived value is the value, which shows the different between customer analysis of the advantages and costs of a product or service, when it is compared with its competitors. This value is directly related to the sales of companys products and services. Ocean City Plaza Motel is serving the customers with its best accommodation and hospitality services, which are available on affordable prices (Expedia, 2017). Primary target customers of this firm are business travelers, leisure travelers, honeymooners, fishermen etc. For improving its value, the motel has offered the hospitality services according to the needs and demands of customers. There are different categories of rooms like; single rooms, double rooms and family size rooms. All of these rooms are managed as per the affordability of guests. As discussed above, Ocean City Plaza Motel is confronting competition from various players, i.e. QT Bondi, Adina Bondi Beach and Hotel Bondi. These competitors are also offering similar services in Sydney, Australia. Adina Bondi Beach Motel is one of the biggest competitors of Ocean City Plaza Motel. It is also a beachfront motel and situated in nearby area. It also provides different categories of rooms like; single room to more than 5 people. These competitors of Ocean City Motel are implementing different strategies to advertise and promote its services all over the world. It is using social media and other methods of promotion for attracting the customers towards its hospitality services (Johnson, Culp III, Bridge, 2016). Current Value Proposition There are some important factors, which can be used to analyze the current value of Ocean City Plaza Motel. These factors are such as; management, marketing, infrastructure and customer satisfaction. Ocean City Plaza Motel needs to consider these components as they can create positive customer perception towards its hospitality services. After comparing the services of this motel with existing competitors, it is founded that Ocean Plaza is offering unique and more services than its competitors (Yang, Zhang, Mattila, 2016). It has positioned itself as luxury hospitality service provider at affordable rates according to the spending of customers. For creating its value, Ocean City Plaza Motel will focus on some important factors, which are stated below; Marketing Marketing is one of the important factors for approaching the customers effectively. Ocean City Plaza Motel is focusing on its marketing and promotional processes by implementing effective strategies. The organization has analyzed that its competitors, like; QT Bondi, Adina Bondi Beach and Hotel Bondi are proliferating their hospitality services on social media networking sites and internet. In todays business world, internet and social media are renovating the demands and supply of tourism. Ocean City Motel is implementing effective marketing and strategies for promoting its services and enhancing brand image among people. It will use different modes for promoting its hospitality services (Kim, Kim, Kim, Magnini, 2016). Effective marketing will create a positive brand image among Australian and overseas population. Infrastructure Nowadays, people are becoming very conscious about environment and related issues. In this era, the Ocean City Plaza Motel is committing about its infrastructure. The hotel building is built by considering the green and eco-friendly infrastructure aspect. Under this component, the organization will focus on providing different amenities like; LCD TV, free Wi-Fi, heater, air conditioner etc. It will operate the whole premise by solar energy with the objective of environment protection. Management Effective management of all the processes and operations is very important for developing value of an organization. If an organization wants to attain growth and success, then it needs to manage the business environment and activities. This beach front motel will manage all its operations and processes effectively. Primarily, it will manage the environmental attributes of the tourist destinations and hotel premises. It is very important for attracting the customers and encouraging their interests towards its hospitality services (Kitchen, Burgmann, 2010). Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Customer satisfaction and loyalty are two significant factors for generating value of hospitality services. If the customers will be satisfied with the motels services, they will recommend this motel to their friends and relatives. Ocean City Motel is offering its services at affordable prices and allocating the rooms according to guests requirement and spending. The management at beachfront motel believes that it is very important to satisfy the customers and develop brand loyalty towards its hospitality services. At this motel, the staff is customer friendly and they trained properly for fulfilling the needs and demands of guests. It will be beneficial for the growth of organization and it will be able to increase customers repeat intention to visit the motel again (Litvin, Dowling, 2016). Thus, the motel has created the value for its hospitality services by considering the above mentioned components. Currently, it is able to generate value and attract customers towards its accommodation services. Marketing Promotional Plan Marketing promotional plan of an organization is an important section in its overall marketing plan, when it introduces its new products and services in market. This plan is developed by incorporating different promotional and advertising strategies. It is an important component of marketing mix along with product, price, place, people, processes and physical environment. The foremost objective of promotional mix plan is to communicate the companys message to target population in an effective manner. Ocean City Plaza is adopting different offline and online promotional methods like; sales promotion, personal selling, advertising and events and sponsorships (McPhail, Patiar, Herington, Creed, Davidson, 2015). This motel is adopting these communication mix elements with different aims. These elements are stated below; Communication mix elements objectives Ocean City Plaza Motel will implement these promotional mix elements with specific objectives, which are given below; Advertising Advertising is the most significant approach under marketing and communication program, through which company can reach to large customer base. When a company introduces its new products and services, it focuses on advertising methods and its modes. Under Advertising method, Ocean City Plaza Motel will implement different media to share its brand message to customers. Different media, adopted by Ocean City Plaza Motel are stated below; Print Media Under advertising technique, print media is a significant way to approach the target audiences. Ocean City Plaza Motel will adopt this media for enhancing organizational presence. This hospitality organization can give ads about its services in print media elements such as; posters, newspaper and magazines (Sandstrom, 2016). The organization will post the ads in the most circulated newspapers in Australia. This will be the most approachable way because most of the population read the newspaper. In addition to this, it can publish the ads in magazines also, because women prefer to read magazines. It will display the offers and discounts in a smart manner. Traditional and broadcasting Media In addition to print media, the organization will adopt traditional media to deliver its product message to target population. Under this, it will use various platforms such as; TV and radio. The people, who do not use internet applications and social media networking sites, they can be contacted by the use of traditional media. The organization will partner with different TV channels and give the ads in most attractive way. In this advertisement, the motel can communicate its amenities and services by displaying the pictures and videos (Singh, Kumar, 2015). Online Media Ocean City Plaza Motel can implement online means for promoting and advertising its hospitality services. The organization will use different social networking sites, like; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. for promoting its services. It is the most profitable way to advertise its services, because most of the people are actively using internet and its applications. By the use of these sites, Ocean City Plaza Motel can share their discounts and offers to the target audience. It can create a page on Facebook and place the motels pictures and videos. Using these modes of promotion and advertising, Ocean City Plaza Motel can know about the feedbacks of guests towards its accommodation and hospitality services (Sigala, 2015). Sales promotion For approaching its customers, Ocean City Plaza Motel will adopt sales promotion technique. By the use of this technique, the organization will be able to encourage the customers to use its hospitality and accommodation services. The main objective of this method is to increase the service demands among people. Sales promotion is the most effective method for enticing target people by offering them major discounts and other offers on actual amount of booking. In the lean season, this method can be used, when the arrival of guests is very low. By the use of this technique, the company will able to provide the rooms on cheaper rates than its competitors in Australian industry. This will support the firm in attaining more comparative advantage over other players in Australian industry (The Beachfront Motel, 2017). By giving offers and discounts, Ocean City Plaza Motel can enlarge its customer base and enhance its presence worldwide. Personal Selling Personal selling is one of the most important methods, through which an organization can use its employees to promote the services through personal contact with target audiences. Ocean City Plaza can adopt personal selling, when the guests are staying in hotel rooms. The organization will hire the knowledgeable, trained and experienced staff, so that they can deliver the services effectively and fulfill the demands of guests. At Ocean City Plaza, this technique can be effective and useful for enhancing its brand image among target population (Deeter-Schmelz, 2017). Events and sponsorships In addition to above promotional and communication techniques, the Ocean beachfront motel will conduct different events. Through these events, the organization will be able to approach the customers. It will organize the events and its customer executive will contact with the potential customers (Liana, Alexander, 2012). By doing this, they can understand current needs and preferences of people towards hospitality services. These events can be conducted in shopping malls and other social gatherings. Promotional Budget To execute all the above given marketing and promotional strategies, the organization will create an Integrated marketing communication (IMC) budget (Peng, Zhao, Mattila, 2015). This budget includes all the forecasted expenses on these promotional activities. IMC budget for Ocean City Plaza Motel is created below; IMC Budget (Ocean City Plaza Motel, Sydney ) Promotion Tools Amount (in $) Social/Digital Media Marketing 1. Facebook $6,300 2. Twitter $2,500 3. Instagram $4,700 Total Social Media $13,500 Online Display ads $5,800 E-mails $14,000 Online promotional Campaigns $21,000 Total Budget for Online Media $54,300 Print Media 1. Newspaper Magazines $34,000 Total Print Media $34,000 Traditional and Broadcasting Media 1. TV Channels $55,000 2. Hoardings $22,000 Total $77,000 Personal Selling $6,500 Sales Promotion $2,400 Events and Sponsorships $4,500 Total Required Budget for Promotion $178,700 Action Plan For implementing this promotional mix plan, the motel needs to create an action plan. This action plan will include all the actions, duration and concerned department (Sigala, 2015). The action plan for Ocean City Plaza is stated below; Activity Starting date End Date Responsible Person Related Department Establishing communication objectives 1/2/2018 - Senior managers and top executives Senior level management Communicating objectives with the team 1/3/2018 - Board of Directors Top management Choosing best communication mix elements 1/5/2018 - Marketing managers Marketing and communication division Implementation of promotional mix plan 1/6/2018 - Advertising and communication managers Marketing department Conclusion From the above report, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction and marketing are two important components for creating and developing brand in service industry. It is very important to formulate the marketing communication and promotional plan, when it introduces its products and services in market. This report includes the discussion about the marketing and communication plan for Ocean City Plaza Motel. This plan includes different communication mix elements and promotional strategies, which can be used by the organization for approaching the target market. By executing this plan, the organization will be able to reach to its target audiences and entice towards its hospitality and accommodation services. Last section of report includes IMC budget for implementing these strategies and tactics in the market. References Assaf, A. G., Agbola, F. W. (2014). Efficiency analysis of the australian accommodation industry: a bayesian output distance function.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research,38(1), 116-132. (2017).Beachfront Motel. Retrieved 24 January 2018, from Bergin-Seers, S., Jago, L. (2007). Performance Measurement in Small Motels in Australia:(Funded by the Sustainable Tourism Co-operative Research Centre).Tourism and hospitality Research,7(2), 144-155. Bruni, A., Cassia, F., Magno, F. (2017). Marketing performance measurement in hotels, travel agencies and tour operators: a study of current practices.Current Issues in Tourism,20(4), 339-345. Chen, K. H., Liu, H. H., Chang, F. H. (2013). Essential customer service factors and the segmentation of older visitors within wellness tourism based on hot springs hotels.International Journal of Hospitality Management,35, 122-132. Deeter-Schmelz, D. R. (2017). Personal Selling and Sales Management Abstracts.Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management,37(2), 170-184. Expedia. (2017). 2 Star hotels in Ocean City. Retrieved from Johnson, J. H., Culp III, K., Bridge, J. (2016). Delivering Your Marketing Message: Planning Productive Promotions. Kim, J., Kim, P. B., Kim, J. E., Magnini, V. P. (2016). Application of construal-level theory to promotional strategies in the hotel industry.Journal of Travel Research,55(3), 340-352. Kitchen, P. J., Burgmann, I. (2010).Integrated marketing communication. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Litvin, S. W., Dowling, K. M. (2016). TripAdvisor and hotel consumer brand loyalty.Current Issues in Tourism, 1-5. McPhail, R., Patiar, A., Herington, C., Creed, P., Davidson, M. (2015). Development and initial validation of a hospitality employees job satisfaction index: Evidence from Australia.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,27(8), 1814-1838. Miles, L. D. (2015).Techniques of value analysis and engineering. Miles Value Foundation. Peng, J., Zhao, X., Mattila, A. S. (2015). Improving service management in budget hotels.International journal of hospitality management,49, 139-148. Sandstrom, K. (2016). Resorting to motels: Outsourcing to fill the gap.Parity,29(3), 32. Sigala, M. (2015). Social media marketing in tourism and hospitality.Information psychology Tourism,15(2), 181-183. Singh, P., Kumar, H. (2015). A study of hospitality marketing mix with reference to Indian hotel industry.Intercontinental Journal of Marketing Research Review,3, 14-23. The Beachfront Motel. (2017). Hotel Amenities. Retrieved from (Accessed on 24 January 2018). Liana, V. Alexander R. (2012). Scripting employees: An exploratory analysis of customer perceptions.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,53(3), 196-206. Yang, W., Zhang, L., Mattila, A. S. (2016). Luxe for less: how do consumers react to luxury hotel price promotions? The moderating role of consumers need for status.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,57(1), 82-92

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Academic integrity free essay sample

Professional writing involves using clear language to explain themselves to an audience. 2. ) Integrity is important in writing because you should be honest to yourself and other people whom you are writing to. I believe that being in an online class helps you understand what integrity is and helps you be honest to people while you are opening up to them. For example in our discussion questions I feel like being honest is very important because it will keep my conversation going without any lies, it would be very e to be caught lying to someone while we are having a conversation.That is why it is important to have integrity. 3. ) The easiest way to avoid plagiarism is by using your own words. Once someone understands what plagiarism is and the consequences for doing it they will understand it much better. Quotations must be used when the paragraph is about 40 words or 3 sentences long. We will write a custom essay sample on Academic integrity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like I said in my first sentence using your own words is the best way to avoid plagiarism is to use paraphrase. Paraphrasing means you should put the ideas in a passage into your own words, usually following the order in which the ideas were presented in the original paper. Academic integrity free essay sample I feel they are both important in the sense they help you communicate to your peers, colleagues and everyone else in an effective manner through email, letters and corporate memos. Why is integrity important in writing? Think integrity is important for writing in academics. Being able to submit a paper or essay with the confidence your work is completely honest is a great feeling. I feel being honest in your writing gives others a reason to trust you ND inform others you are responsible.I feel if these characteristics are shown in your writing they also show the kind of character you have as a person. These traits can prove too teacher, administration, school and employer you are worthy of being a part of their organization. The value of having integrity is something you will carry with you not only in school, but also in other phases of your life. How can you avoid plagiarism? There are byways you can avoid plagiarism. We will write a custom essay sample on Academic integrity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One way is to be honest to submit your own work and not someone elses. Another way is to ensure you are giving credit to the resources you have used to gather and state your facts. If you properly posture citations, references and paraphrases this will help you in a huge way. Another way is to ensure the information you are using for your facts are also accurate and provide by a reliable sources. Ensure the information you are basing your paper is an accredited institution. Academic Integrity free essay sample This is a mandatory document that every Ryerson students must read before registering a course. This document is about protecting academic integrity. It explains the meaning of academic integrity and what actions will be considered as academic misconduct. Some of the example of offences include: plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation of personal identity or performance, submission of false information, contributing to academic misconduct and etc. (Ryerson University, 2009) Additionally, this document states penalties and consequences for academic misconduct and appeals process. I would like to add this document to my reference list, because the purpose of the paper is about solving academic dishonesty in Ryerson University. Therefore, this document will be the major resource I use for this research paper. An analysis of academic integrity techniques used in online courses at a southern university The purpose of this research was to analyze the academic integrity techniques used by instructors of online course at Lamar University. We will write a custom essay sample on Academic Integrity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Barnes, C. , Paris, B. L. , 2013) Online course is a new trend of delivering knowledge in current universities. Students dont have to attend classes in person but can receive all lectures using a laptop with internet connection at home. This technology saves the cost and reduces the time of the students travelling between school and home. This new form of class is growing popularly today, and people consider it as convenient and time-saving. However, these are a major concern regarding online courses among instructors in Lamar University How to maintain academic integrity of online courses? The researchers discovered that, academic dishonesty is more likely to occur in online classes, other than in traditional classes. Students cheat on exams or assignments, by hiring others to be ghost assignment writers or proxy exam takers. To avoid academic dishonesty, Lamar instructors bring out the following prevention strategies: 1. Use of multiple assessment techniques instead of major exams. 2. Greater reliance on written assignments and threaded discussions. 3. Use of test banks and timed test delivery 4. Plagiarism detection software and browser lockdowns. 5. Using student identity technologies during exams, such as fingerprint scanner. 6. Raising awareness among students about academic integrity.  (Barnes, C. , Paris, B. L. , 2013) Summary Statement: There is a higher chance of accusing students in academic misconduct in online course other than traditional courses. The researchers had recorded several techniques protecting academic integrity from the instructors from Lamar University. This research paper inspires me not only to look into academic integrity in traditional course but also take into co nsideration of cheating issues in online course. Lets think about what studying tools students were using twenty years ago, maybe just pen and lined paper? But now all students use computers to complete their assignments and research papers. Moreover, people start to read books digitally other than holding a book in hands. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine, in one day, online course will replace the traditional class. And, the students who disobey academic integrity rules will exploit the advantage of online course and fake their grade. Therefore, I would like to add this research report as a reference to my paper to advance my argument. Why many international students get a failing grade in academic integrity? This article talks about at some Canadian schools, there is a increasing number of the international students were accused of academic integrity in universities. By interviewing the staff and students from various Ontario universities, the journalists received the following messages: 1. Over 50 percent of the students who violate academic integrity code are the international student. This group makes up about 12 percent of the total student body at U of T said by staff lawyer Karen Bellinger in University of Toronto.2. In University of Windsor, a 2008-2009 report shows, the percentage of international students accused of academic misconduct was more than three times higher than the percentage of domestic students accused. 3. Factors causing international students fail in academic integrity: Language barrier, culture difference, the pursuit of receiving better grade, school and family pressure and the lack of knowledge in academic integrity and its impact to students professional career. 4. A 2006 study survey published in the U.K found that most of the foreign students who plagiarize are from Asian countries. 5. The techniques offered by universities in helping international students from academic dishonesty: writing tutorial services (all universities), special orientation for international students (University of Windsor), mandatory online academic integrity quiz before class. (Concordia University) (Bradshaw, J. , Baluja, T. , 2011) Summary Statement: International students are more likely to be accused of academic misconduct in schools, because of language barrier, cultural difference and etc. The Trend of Unauthorized Assistance in Paper Writing among Chinese Students in Canadian Universities This is an article I read from a Chinese newspaper six month ago. The article briefly talks about the issue of academic misconduct in Canadian Universities and how Chinese students hire ghostwriters to finished their assignment papers during school year. In a survey operated by Canadian Council on Learning, the report shows there are 53 percent of the university students admitted they cheat on paper writing, 18 percent of the students admitted they cheat on exams in 2010. The journalist states, one of the reasons that courage academic dishonesty is, 41 percent of the school staff turn a blind eye to cheated students when the issues occur and only 7 percent of the parents think their children disobey the academic integrity code. Moreover, the journalist interviewed several Chinese students who were studying in Canadian universities. She found out, the students can spend 200 to 300 CAD to buy a paper, but the price varies by the time urgency. However, sometimes the ghost writers cannot guarantee the quality of the papers, because some students ask to finish their papers in 24 hours and due to insufficient times, the paper might off the point or does not meet the academic requirement. Therefore, the students can still fail in the course, even they were not caught for academic dishonesty. (Song, N. , 2010) Summary Statement: There are some facts about Chinese students who studies in Canadian universities seek help for their assignments and exams. But their actions are violating academic integrity and this trend is growing. I put these two newspaper articles together because all the journalists have pointed out the growing trend of academic integrity among international students in Canadian universities, particularly these from some Asian countries, such as China. It reminded me of taking a picture of Ryerson flyer board located at LIB building for this research paper. There is an ad about offering paper help for Ryerson students. I guess the school staff didnt take away this ad, because it is written in Chinese. Additionally, I want to use these two articles as reference, because they explains some of the causes of academic integrity, and some of the cheating techniques. I would like to quote a students words from the article Why many international students get a failing grade in academic integrity?. â€Å"Basically [the professor] said I didn’t cite at all,† said Karan, â€Å"Back home, we listen to our teachers, and basically mug everything they say. The more you write your answers exactly the way they say it, the better chance you have of getting an A. † (Bradshaw, J. , Baluja, T., 2011) His words perfectly explain the difference of education view between Canadian schools and Asian schools. In China, people are more likely to focus on students grades, other than teach students to learn and create new things. Students study for better grade instead of learning knowledge in school. Also, because of culture difference, Chinese students dont know how much trouble they wi ll get into if they are caught for academic integrity. At last, For the result of academic dishonesty, I would like to introduce the following articles as an example. University of Windsor dean suspended over ‘academic integrity breach involving plagiarism Changes at the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor There two articles talk about Dr. Clinton Beckford, who was Dean of the Faculty of Education in University of Windsor, was accused of plagiarism in December 10, 2012. His punishment was to leave from his position and receive an unpaid suspension affecting until June 30, 2014. (University of Windsor, 2012) Research methods used Both primary and secondary researches will be used for this paper. A survey is generated for this research project. The goal of the survey is to find out the percentage of academic integrity in Canadian universities, the cause of academic dishonesty, major cheating techniques, the knowledge on academic integrity and the answer whether students plagiarised in purpose or accidentally. The survey consists of 8 questions. However, there are very few of students have completed this survey for now. And not all students are from Ryerson universities. The student might consider talking to the Office of Academic Integrity for more information. Academic Integrity free essay sample As members and students of an academic community, we are entitled to a wide extent of freedom in the pursuit of scholarly interests. With that freedom, however, comes the responsibility to uphold high ethical standards of academic conduct. At the beginning of each school year, each student has standards that they hope to achieve over the course of a semester; whether its getting an A or participating more in class, every student has the chance to achieve. Having academic integrity shows illnesses to put the time into the work and do the best possible.Richard Fuller once said, Integrity is the essence of everything successful (Fuller). And I could not agree more, because to gain success, one must earn it. Its really how much we learn or understand from our professors that are most important. Our professors act as mentors and we should take advantage of what they have to offer, knowledge is the greatest gift of all. We will write a custom essay sample on Academic Integrity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though struggle as we may at times in learning new things, we must not give up. Academic integrity also means not to act dishonestly.If dont know something or need help, I will ask my professor. A grade of C is better if I learned something, rather than a grade of A by being dishonest and not understanding a subject. Besides this, having academic integrity will make my goals more gratifying. In conclusion, having academic integrity as I go through school will make me exceptionally better and a more ethical person. Academic integrity can not only relate to school, but also in life. No matter owe many times we fail or fall, we get back up.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The 411 on copyright for net p Essay Example For Students

The 411 on copyright for net p Essay Introduction Wow who owns all these pretty pictures? Net Photogs See me, feel me, touch me, pay me. Net Agencies Service with a click of a mouse. Net Publishers All is fair in love, war and publishing. Net Users Free ride! INTRODUCTION If Francesca were alive today she could track her lovers photos from his homepage instead of schlepping to the Piggly Wiggly to purchase the latest National Geographic. Even if you are stuck in Peoria,1 the family can gather around the key board, open up your Happy Meals and view some of the Best Photography in the world. You want pictures? Boy do we have pictures, click onto the Photo Net Index for a inventory of photographers portfolios, galleries, and museums. Who owns the copyrights to all these cool Net photos? This paper presents a sampling of opinions and predictions about the application of copyright law to Net photos in relation to contemporary photographers; stock photo agencies; publishers; and Net users. THE NET PHOTOG ENTREPRENEUR NET ADV ANTAGES Contemporary Photographers are creating homepages to display portfolios on the Net to advertise for jobs, learn new skills, network with colleagues, and provide pleasure to the viewing public. Stacy Rosenstocks portfolio is an example of the excellent photo art available for viewing on the Net. Photographer/author/adventurer Philip Greenspun uses photos to accompany text in Travels With Samantha Mr. Greenspun says that viewer response is one of the rewards for publishing on the Net.2 The Net is a unique medium for photographers, offering one-on-one feedback from viewers, fellow photographers and critics on a scale not available from the typical art gallery or magazine venue. The scale is larger in terms of the number of potential viewers and the boarderless international viewing audience who may choose to browse. A computer savvy photographer may create a homepage portfolio or seek display with one of the on-line galleries such as that Digital Wave Gallery, or that On Line G allery. A photographer choosing the Net as a display venue can also use the net to learn about copyrights. The American Society for media Photographers offers easy to read copyright information in the that Copyright Guide for Photographers . INFRINGEMENT ENFORCEMENT When a photographer discovers a photo has been published without authorization, the photographer maybe able to secure an injunction, recover actual damages and lost profits.3 Mr. Weisgrau and Mr. Remer point out the legal advantage to writing a copyright notice on the photograph consisting of (c)1995 Artists Name.4 That advantage is possible elimination of the innocent infringer defense.5 Innocent infringers may only be liable for a fair licensing fee.6 An order to sue an infringer the copyright holder must register the photo.7 In order to register the photo, the photographer must possess the photo. Traditionally this is not a problem because the photographer would have a negative, or a print or a slide or some tangible object as a photo. If the photographer has scanned the photo onto a home page or provided the photo to a gallery then there would be no problem if the photographer retains the original. See Philip Greenspuns FAQ on photo scanning. Similarly a CD disk photo would also be tangible to register. However when a photographer uses a filmless camera this projects images directly onto a computer for real-time adjustment.8 If a photographer were to upload this kind of photo, some tangible print would still be required for registration.9 The problem of fixation as it relates to photos on the Net will usually arise in the context of whether or not a photograph was copied by an infringer.10 Certain ephemeral artworks like the type produced by Christo, have been the subject of controversy in terms of the fixation requirement for copyright protection.11 In the context of copyright protection for computer programs the Ninth Circuit held in MAI Systems Corp. v. Peak Computer Inc., that copying for p urposes of copyright law occurs when a computer program is transferred from a permanent storage device to a computers RAM random access memory.12 The court described fixation as sufficiently permanent or stable to permit them to be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated for a period of more than transitory duration.13 This decision as it relates to photos on the net may be a practical problem of proof. Net photos, like Christos sculptures, may be here today, gone tomorrow. Consequently the problem will be a whether a copyright claimant will be able to provide a court documentary evidence of the copyrightable subject matter.14 INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION International copyright protection is of special importance to Net photogs. The Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention address copyright in the international market.15 Mr. Cinque outlines the three policies supporting copyright protection: incentive/dissemination; morality/fairness; natural law.16 Incentive/di ssemination is the tradeoff that society benefits from the work of creative artists while the artist may reap economic benefits.17 Morality/fairness is the commercial aspect of rewarding the worker and punishing unauthorized appropriations.18 Natural law embodies the concept that the author owns her work and may do with it as she sees fit.19 Considering these policies, Mr. Cinque argues that under the Berne Convention a copyright may be infringed when a work is copied or stored into a computer system because it is considered a reproduction.20 The Berne Convention provides a minimum of 25 years protection for photographic works and member states may provide additional protection.21 Mr. Cinque presents the case for and against increasing global enforcement of copyright protections in the digital world and concludes that international enforcement is necessary to continue to encourage artists to share work on-line.22 ECONOMIC INCENTIVES Mr. Cinques view supports the widely held assumpti on that artists require broad copyrights with strong enforcement in order to motivate the production of new, copyrightable works. The copyright act is aimed at protecting an artists economic rights.23 Economic theory is based on the concept that individuals are rational, profit-maximizing creatures.24 But economic theory when applied to artists doesnt explain their full range of motivation. It would be difficult to explain why intelligent, presumably rational people ever become artists, a word more often associated with the adjective starving than with wealthy.25 Net photogs appear generous with fellow internetters when it comes to non-commercial use of photographs. On the other hand, no one likes someone else making money of their work. Photographer Philip Greenspun describes his frustration with unauthorized use of his pictures in, The Somewhat Nasty Copyright Notice . As an artist he not only wants to get paid, but desires a certain quality level for his photos. On the other hand , Mr. Greenspun embraces the camaraderie of fellow internetters by authorizing redistribution of his text for non commercial purposes and requesting a source attribution and hyperlink for photos. SHARING RESOURCES The camaraderie among photographers is further evidenced by the wellspring of resources for photographers on the Net. The Michigan Press Photographers Association brings photographers together to share information, as does the Atlanta Photo Journalism Seminar and numerous other resources. One suggestion to assist photographers in protecting copyrights and collecting royalties is a centralized photo bank. Mr. Franklin presents the case for creating a centralized service to license photos, collect and distribute royalties, and engage in license enforcement. 26 The centralized service would include a copyright notice and computer code with the photo in order to track use.27 A similar system was recently established and is called United Image Royalties.28 EMPLOYERS A special n ote to photographers establishing homepages from work. Two authors warn of creating works using an employers Internet connection because work-related products may be determined to be the property of the employer.29 For example, Allen Rose, Ordinary Photographer is employed by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Mr. Roses weekly photo series is copyrighted to the newspaper. In a related matter, notice that Mr. Rose chose the location arose rather than something like telestar for his homepage locator. Employees should be careful in choosing web locators so as to avoid trademark problems similar to MTV v. Curry, see Trademarks Along the Infobahn. STOCK PHOTO AGENCIES Many photographers use stock photo agencies to sell photos. News magazines purchase a tremendous amount of published photos from stock agencies.30 For example in 1980 Time purchased 56.88% of their published photos from stock agencies and freelance photographers.31 A traditional stock photo agency publishes catalogues with thumb print photos which customers view and then purchase camera ready prints.32 Stock agencies publicize photos and also negotiate licenses in exchange for royalties.33 See the STOCKPHOTO web site to learn about stock agencies. One advantage of an on-line agency may be the capacity to for customers to download photos immediately. Another advantage to on-line agencies may be enhanced research resources for locating the right kind of photo among the thousands in stock. CONTRACTS When a publisher desires to purchase a photo from a stock agency there may be several contractual arrangements to weave through. These contract issues are determined by state law where as copyright law per se is the subject of federal statutes.34 Contracts may exist between the subject and the photographer, the photographer and the stock agency and perhaps a digital rights agent.35 Mr. Harrang states that a typical stock photo agency contract is a license for one edition only.36 The question of what is one edition has been debated in the context of CD-ROM publications. In this context some argue that an upgrade of the product would be a second edition requiring a re-license fee.37 Harring does not agree with this view and suggests that CD-ROM and on-line publishers can avoid the problem with proper electronic licensing contracts.38 An on-line stock agency such as Corbis Media should be more familiar with structuring proper electronic rights contracts.39 In terms of protecting copyrights while displaying photos on-line, Corbis puts a copyright notice in the upper left-hand corner of the photo.40 This copyright protects the digital file not the actual photo which is copyrighted to the photographer.41 PROTECTING COPYRIGHT WITH TECHNOLOGY Additionally, when a client desires to view a larger image of a photo, the client clicks on the thumbprint photo to access the 6 x 7 inch photo.42 To protect this copyright, Corbis adds a translucent watermark on the picture.43 This method is not full-proof. CEO Doug Rowan admits that the watermark could be eliminated by a technical person and they are working toward technical improvement of the system.44 Unlike other stock agencies, Corbis on-line pictures are for preview only and are not for customer downloading.45 NET PUBLISHERS AND PHOTOJOURNALISTS In Copyright in the New World of Electronic Publishing, See attorney William Strong reassures traditional publishers that copyright law will not be eviscerated by the Net. Copyright is grounded in the Constitution and assures a financial incentive to authors and creative persons.46 Mr. Strong takes the position that in a traditional author contract granting all right, title and interest in and to the work, including copyright grants a publisher broad rights to publish electronically.47 NEW CONTRACTS FOR E-RIGHTS When a publisher drafts new contracts, Mr. Strong recommends that to ensure that a publisher is getting the whole ball of wax that the contract should read the exclusive license to r eproduce the work and distribute it by all means and media now known or hereafter discovered, including, without limitation, print, microfilm, and electronic media as well as the right to display and transmit the work publicly on-line.48 This kind of all rights transaction is not popular among photographers and the American Society of Media Photographers (AMSP). cautions photographers to consider limiting a license by time, geographic area or media type.49 It is interesting to note, that apparently Mr. Strong did not sign such a contract with the publisher of his article, the Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) ). The copyright notice indicates that the author, not JEP, controls the copyright, consequently commercial publication is prohibited in print or electronic form without permission of the author. The tension between a publishers desire to license all rights to a photograph, and a photographers concern about giving away too much may gum up negotiations on the electronic pub lishing frontier.50 Mr. Harrang suggests separating legitimate concerns about changing technologies from simple angst about unfamiliar technologies.51 For example, an author may agree to license rights to a CD-ROM publication but hesitate to a license for on-line networks because of metered use questions.52 A resolution to this problem may be by agreement to negotiate a fair royalty amount in the future based on the existing rates.53 For example, Time Inc. is offering an increase in photographers day rate from $400 to $500 per day to compensate for electronic rights for assignment photos.54 Time also offers a royalty option offering a base fee of $75 per image plus a royalty rate that varies depending on a number of factors including English vs. foreign language distribution.55 Terms are to be reviewed in one year.56 About half the photographers have signed the new agreements and the remaining freelancers will continue to negotiate licenses for each photo.57 Time uses the photos in their on-line magazines and other products.58 There is no agreement among the Board members of the American Society of Media Photographers regarding the Time electronics rights policy.59 The value of the rights is hard to assess but ASMP board member Roger Ressmeyer believes that, at issue is the very survival of freelance photography into the next century.60 Veteran photographer Douglas Kirkland sums up the situation well, If there wasnt a substantial value in these rights, Time wouldnt be asking for them.61 On the other end of the spectrum, publisher Conde Nast has refused to pay any additional fees for electronic rights.62 INTERPRETATION OF PRE INTERNET CONTRACTS With regard to pre-Internet contracts, Mr. Strong predicts that where a contract is silent on the issue of electronic publication, the publisher has the right to produce the entire journal in any form including electronic.63 Mr. Strong points to the Copyright Act, in the absence of a written agreement the copyright owner of a contribution to a periodical will be deemed to have given the periodical publisher only the right to reproduce the article as part of the issue of the periodical in which it appears and any revision of that periodical.64 Mr. Strong says, While technically this is not relevant to an interpretation of an actual written contract, I believe it is fair to say that the presumptions which the statute creates here would probably be applied by any court forced to grapple with a contract that was silent on the question of electronic rights.65 The interpretation of old contracts and electronic rights is the subject of controversy between photographers and, TIME Inc. Recently, Time republished some Life cover photos for a CD compilation. Time associate counsel Laury Frieber maintains that the company need not pay the photographers a reuse fee.66 Instead the company sent a letter stating, While as a legal matter we are not obliged to make any additional payments to reproduce our covers, in the spirit of this project we decided to make a payment to all non-staffers whose images graced Lifes cover.67 The letter was accompanied by a $30.00 check.68 Ben Chapnick of the Black Star picture agency disagrees with Times interpretation of the license which he says was for one time use.69 Both Mr. Strong and Mr. Chapnick agree that litigation could take years.70 And Mr. Chapnick predicts in the Time situation, litigation could cost as much as $500,000.71 In any event, says Mr. Strong, each publisher can weigh the financial risks of a copyright violation or breach of contract suit against the gains of electronic publishing.72 Of course an individual photographer is unlikely to have the financial resources to litigate a law suit. HOW ONE PUBLISHER SEEKS TO PROTECT COPYRIGHTED WORKS Michael Rogers managing editor of Newsweek Interactive an on-line publication with Prodigy has integrated the photographs with the text rather than in separate files as a way to combat copyright infrin gement.73 That way, users cant export the pictures for other uses without special software, says Mr.Rogers.74 ALTERATION OF NEWS PHOTOS New on-line technology makes it easier to edit and alter photographs. Visit Digital Imaging photographers and editors can learn new ways to improve and change photographs. But using technology to create art is one thing, using it to doctor news photos is another. Copyright protection for computer art, including photographs is an emerging issue.75 But whereas copyright protection for art photos focuses on the value of the piece as art, the value of a news photo is accuracy.76 The ethics of doctoring news photos 77 is discussed on the Michigan Press Photographers Association (MPPA) home page. This discussion is about the LIFE magazine May, 1995 photo of the Kent State shootings wherein the photo was altered from the original shot by photographer, John Filo on May 4, 1970. The alteration eliminated a pole in the center of the photograph. David Friend, Lifes Director of Photography says it was a done unbeknownst to the editors. MPPA member Brian Masck responds, saying that credibility in the source of a photo is critical to photojournalism. Whether or not photographer John Filo has a cause of action against LIFE for printing the altered photo may be an issue of whether the terms of the print license were exceeded.78 This type of alteration is distinguished from the traditional cropping and centering that a photo editor might do because it is a change in the substance of the photograph. In the future, photographers are advised to safeguard against copyright infringement by including in the license the amount of digital manipulation allowed.79 However, copyright may not be the best or even the only issue regarding authenticity of news photographs.80 Again, the chain of contracts between publisher, photographer, stock agency and photo subject may present legal issues such as false light or misappropriation.81 The news photographer is again advised, to keep original photos to protect against actions like this and to be especially careful if photographing with filmless cameras where a photographer will not possess a negative.82 Alteration of news photos is not a new issue. But new copyright issues pop up in the context of on-line news photo alteration. On the one hand, alterations can be subtle pixel-by-pixel changes that are difficult to detect.83 This capacity makes it easy to steal on-line photos in toto or in part.84 The problem here is a photographers burden of proof as it relates to the ordinary observer approach in proving substantial similarity in an infringement action.85 Photojournalism reviewer Ken Kobre examines The Long Tradition of Doctoring Photos. Mr. Kobre notes that a recent edition of The National Enquirer displayed a doctored photo of a battered Nicole Brown Simpson.86 The Enquirer noted in small type that the photo was a recreation.87 Rather than shying away from the technology and the potent ial abuse of altering on-line news photos, Mr. Kobre believes that increased photographic access assists in the discovery of truth. Totalitarian regimes have been more adept at controlling- and changing what people see precisely because those regimes control their media. 88 In the end, The credibility demanded of journalism should continue to shape its uses of the computers capabilities.89 NET USERS Everyone agrees that Net Users, like most Americans, have little knowledge of copyright law.90 Digital works have some unique characteristics which challenge copyright law.91 Three of those characteristics include ease of replication, transmission, and alteration.92 The Net allows for quick replication and transmission of works as compared to traditional replication methods.93 Modification of Net documents may also provide some challenges to a courts interpretation of fixed.94 POSTING AND DOWNLOADING PHOTOS With regard to replication, transmission and alteration, some Net users behave as if all Net information is up for grabs whether or not the material is copyrighted and has a copyright notice.95 Celebrity fan club postings like the Brad Pitt Web Site are examples of users posting copyrighted photos to the Net. This home page acknowledges that these photos are copyrighted so please be nice. This acknowledgment confirms the Samuelson and Glushko observation that those who post information not authored by them on Internet bulletin boards or in electronic newsletters delivered by Internet sometimes do so with a conspicuous notice that it is being posted without copyright permission, thereby asserting the posters view of an appropriate scope of fair use.96 Furthermore, net users generally regard it as fair to download items from the bulletin board for ones personal use, and even to send a copy to a friend who might otherwise not see the item, it is considered bad manners (or worse) to redistribute more widely someone elses posting without its authors permission.97 It goes without saying that policing user behavior as it relates to copyright is difficult at best.98 ONE PUBLISHERS VIEW OF DOWNLOADING WORKS Recently Time posted Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue photos for personal downloading at the Pathfinder Website that ended up on one of the Supermodel websites. Times legal head Harry Johnston said The restriction is that you can download these pictures for personal use only, but not for further distribution. That would constitute an infringement.99 The idea of policing every single individual who might violate someones copyright has not existed for the last 30 years, with the advent of Xeroxing and videotaping. Its just a fact of life with the technological means we have of making copies. You simply cant catch them all, says Mr. Johnston.100 User liability for copy right infringement in a non commercial context is a disputed issued.101 A user posting someone elses photo to a bulletin board or a homepage raises questions of which fair use provi sion might be appropriate? Education, research, comment or criticism?102 Ms. ORourke predicts that users are infringing where a bulletin board subscriber forwards a document to a large number of non-subscribers.103 But what about home pages? In this context other Net users link to the page. Is the activity of posting Brad Pitt photos to a home page substantially different than uploading Playboy photos to a bulletin board?104 In the Playboy case the court found that a bulletin board operator violated Playboys exclusive rights to display and distribute its photos.105 While home page authors are not charging a subscription fee like the bulletin board operator, they are offering unauthorized, copyrighted photos for public display. In the context of the homepage author, the issue is not that someone is making money off the photo, but that an individual photographer could lose the market for a great photo when someone scans it into a homepage for all the world to access. AN AGENCY VIEW OF POSTING Jim Roehrig, president of Outline photo agency, takes the position that unauthorized posting is a violation of the copyright holders exclusive rights to distribute and publicly display their work.106 Outline represents fashion and celebrity photographers. Roehrig admits to being at a loss as to how to handle supermodels postings.107 Right now Roehrig says, Im hoping that this is relatively small usage and wont become a regular thing.108 THE USERS RIGHT TO VIEW But what about Net users right to view and access information. Copyright law clearly protects the copyright holder. One of the goals of the National Information Infrastructure is free or low cost information.109 The suggestions of the Green Paper drafted by the federal governments Information Infrastructure Task Force are controversial.110 See also a Response to NII. .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 , .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .postImageUrl , .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 , .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7:hover , .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7:visited , .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7:active { border:0!important; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7:active , .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7 .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u99adc1fd354e6bf3467fa3d9bbf666f7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Artificial Intelligence Essay We will write a custom essay on The 411 on copyright for net p specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ms. Litman says that the draft recommendations would vest in copyrightowners control of any reproduction or transmission of their works, and thendefines reproduction and transmission to include any appearance, even afleeting one, of a protected work in any computer, and any transfer of thatwork to, from, or through any other computer, the Draft Reportsrecommendations would enhance the exclusive rights in the copyright bundle sofar as to give the copyright owner the exclusive right to control reading,viewing or listening to any work in digitized form.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Edward H Angle

Edward H Angle Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico1EDWARD H.ANGLE - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico"Amante da Arte e da Natureza, amigo  ­ntimo de  ¡rvores e flores mas fundamentalmente fundadorda ci ªncia da Ortodontia,    qual deu o melhor pensamento de uma vida rica em experi ªncias eprovas"(Instituto Thomas W. Evans, homenagem a Edward Angle - 1915)A preocupa §Ã‚ £o do Homem com o crescimento e alinhamento dos dentes remete-nos ao Antigo Egipto (~3000 A.C), onde m ºmias foram encontradas com bandas de metal ligadas a dentesindividuais para diminuir o espa §o entre os mesmos, bem como, aparelhos ortod ´nticos primitivos esurpreendentemente bem elaborados, nas escava §Ã‚ µes gregas, etruscas e mexicanas (ver fig.n º1). (1) De acordo com Moyers (1988), Hip ³crates est ¡ entre os primeiros que comentaram sobredeforma §Ã‚ £o craniofacial: " Entre os indiv ­duos com cabe §as grandes e afiadas, alguns t ªm pesco §ose ossos fortes. Outros tà ‚ ªm palatos arqueados, dentes irregulares ou sem, e alguns s £o afectados pordores de cabe §a e de ouvidos" (tradu §Ã‚ £o nossa).€ medida que a Odontologia sedesenvolveu nos s ©culos XVIII e XIX, umgrande n ºmero de dispositivos para a"regulariza §Ã‚ £o dos dentes" e sistemas declassifica §Ã‚ £o foram descritos por v ¡riosautores e utilizados esporadicamente pordentistas da  ©poca. Contudo, a regula §Ã‚ £o dosdentes como alinhamento ortod ´ntico s ³ foiformalmente referida como tal a partir dePierre Fauchard (1678-1793), que  ©considerado o "pai da medicina dent ¡riamoderna" e Ortodontia com a inven §Ã‚ £o dabandeau ou bandolet em 1723. Esta foi aprimeira aplica §Ã‚ £o expansiva, consistindo numarco maxilar labial pesado de metal ao qual osdentes eram ligados.(1)Figura n º1 - Antigo cr ¢nio grego (cerca de 300 A.C)mostra o uso de fios de ouro para alinhar e estabilizar osincisivos mandibulares num adulto cuja maloclus £o foicomplicada por d oen §a periodontal (Fonte: Handbookof Ortodontics, 1988)Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico2Ao que chamamos hoje de oclus £o normal j ¡ tinha sido descrito no s ©culo XVIII por JohnHunter. Carabelli, na metade do s ©culo XIX, foi provavelmente aquele que primeiro descreveu umsistema de classifica §Ã‚ £o anormal no relacionamento entre as arcadas dent ¡rias superior e inferior,baseando-se na posi §Ã‚ £o dos incisivos e caninos:1. Mordex normalis - oclus £o normal com os incisivos superiores cobrindo e sobrepondo-seaos inferiores;2. Mordex rectus - rela §Ã‚ £o incisal de bordo a bordo;3. Mordex apertus - mordida aberta;4. Mordex retrusus - oclus £o cruzada ou invertida anterior;5. Mordex tortuosus - combina §Ã‚ £o anterior e posterior de mordidas cruzadas.O termo mordida topo a topo e overbite, s £o na realidade derivadas do sistema declassifica §Ã‚ £o de Carabelli.Ap ³s 1850, apareceram os primeiros tratados que descreveram a Ortodont ia de maneirasistem ¡tica sendo o mais not ¡vel destes o de Norman Kingsley - Oral Deformities. Segundo Wahl(2005), Kingsley influenciou significativamente a odontologia americana durante a  ºltima metade dos ©culo XIX.A Ortodontia, como especialidade, data dos princ ­pios do s ©culo passado. O termo(Orthodonsie) foi originado por um franc ªs chamado Lefoulon, aproximadamente na mesma  ©pocaem que o interesse por estes problemas se tornavam comuns. O ano de 1900 foi escolhido como oano em que se iniciou a especialidade mais antiga da Odontologia, sendo que foi neste mesmo anoque se fundou a Escola de Ortodontia de Angle em St. Louis, e no ano seguinte a SociedadeAmericana de Ortodontistas (Edward H. Angle foi o primeiro presidente) 2. Apesar das suascontribui §Ã‚ µes e de seus contempor ¢neos, a  ªnfase da Ortodontia permaneceu no alinhamento dosdentes e na correc §Ã‚ £o das suas propor §Ã‚ µes faciais. Numa  ©poca em que a denti §Ã‚ £o intacta era umar aridade, os detalhes de rela §Ã‚ µes oclusais eram considerados sem import ¢ncia.A figura mais dominante, din ¢mica e influente na ortodontia foi EDWARD HARTLEYANGLE (1855-1930) que desenvolveu um conceito de oclus £o normal no final do s ©culo XIX,baseando-se no estudo e observa §Ã‚ £o de cr ¢nios humanos e indiv ­duos vivos. Ele  © recordado como o"Pai da Ortodontia Moderna", tendo sido dos principais respons ¡veis pela separa §Ã‚ £o da ortodontia dapr ¡tica geral e afirmando-a como uma reconhecida e distinta ci ªncia.(4,5) Angle nasceu a 1 de Junhode 1855 em Herrick, Pensilv ¢nia. Depois de uma inf ¢ncia passada no campo, ingressou na escola deOdontologia da Pensilv ¢nia e graduou-se em 1878. Praticou Odontologia em Minneapolis,interessando-se pela correc §Ã‚ £o e deformidade dos maxilares. Os problemas com que se deparouestimularam-no a dedicar o resto da sua vida    Ortodontia.Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico3Em 1887, a presentou um artigo intitulado "Irregularities of the teeth". Este foi considerado aprimeira edi §Ã‚ £o de seu livro did ¡ctico, que passou por sete edi §Ã‚ µes, com tradu §Ã‚ £o para muitas l ­nguasestrangeiras.A s ©tima edi §Ã‚ £o foi publicada com os seguintes t ­tulos, sendo que os tr ªs primeiros foram emformato de panfletos:1) Irregularities of the teeth, 1887;2) A System of appliance for correcting of irregularities of the Teeth, 1890;3) The Angle system of regulating and retention of the teeth, 1892;4) The Angle system of regulation and retention of the teeth - with an addition of treatmentof fractures of the maxillae, 1895;5) Angle system of regulation and retention of the teeth and treatment of fractures of themaxillae, 1899;6) Malocclusion of the teeth and fractures of the maxillae, 1900;7) Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth, 1907.A classifica §Ã‚ £o de Angle, publicada na Dental Cosmos, permanece a classifica §Ã‚ £o maislargamente aceite de malo clus £o1. Baseada na rela §Ã‚ £o dos primeiros molares superiores com osinferiores, forneceu os primeiros meios para caracteriza §Ã‚ £o das maloclus µes e a aceita §Ã‚ £o universalpela classe m ©dica. Segundo Angle (1900), a c ºspide m ©sio-vestibular do primeiro molar superiorrepousa no sulco central vestibular do primeiro molar inferior e os dentes ocluem nos arcos demaneira alinhada, resultando numa oclus £o ideal. Deste modo, se a oclus £o fosse normal, n £oimportava como estavam relacionados os ossos maxilares, a musculatura ou a articula §Ã‚ £otemporomandibular.Angle descreveu tr ªs tipos b ¡sicos do que ele chamou de maloclus £o, representando desviosna dimens £o antero-posterior e afirma na sua  ºltima publica §Ã‚ £o:- "Examined carefully it will be seen that perfect occlusion is incompatible with any degree ofirregularity, but that the arrangement of the teeth must be even and regular, each contributingsupport to the others, all in perfec t harmony. Not only this, but the jaws, the muscles of mastication,the lips, and even the facial lines will then be in best harmony with the peculiar facial type of theindividual".1 Entenda-se por maloclus £o toda a discrep ¢ncia dento-dent ¡ria, dento-maxilar ou maxilomandibular.Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico4Existem certos princ ­pios nos quais a classifica §Ã‚ £o de Angle se baseou:a) O corpo mandibular com sua respectiva arcada dental deve ocupar um posicionamentonormal em rela §Ã‚ £o a anatomia craniana;b) O arco dent ¡rio maxilar, por estar constru ­do sobre uma base fixa em rela §Ã‚ £o a anatomiacraniana,  © mais ou menos est ¡vel em rela §Ã‚ £o aos v ¡rios limites da cabe §a.Consequentemente, poderia escolher-se um ponto atrav ©s do qual pudesse verificar e julgar arela §Ã‚ £o do arco dent ¡rio inferior.c) Seleccionou o primeiro molar superior, por acreditar que os mesmos ocupavam posi §Ã‚ µesnormais com maior freq u ªncia do que qualquer outro dente, e por que serem estes dentesmenos limitados para tomarem suas posi §Ã‚ µes na arcadad) Observou tamb ©m a rela §Ã‚ £o normal dos caninos que, devido ao seu tamanho, for §avam a suapassagem para dentro de posi §Ã‚ µes normais.Figura n º 2- Representa §Ã‚ £o da arcada dent ¡ria em oclus £o normal.Fonte: Treatment of malocclusion of the teeth and fractures of the maxillae : Angle's system (1900)Estes princ ­pios sustentam a divis £o da maloclus £o em tr ªs classes2, que apresentam asseguintes caracter ­sticas:Classe I: Maloclus µes caracterizadas por uma rela §Ã‚ £o anteroposterior normal dos primeiros molarespermanentes: a c ºspide mesio-vestibular do primeiro molar superior est ¡ no mesmo plano que osulco vestibular do primeiro molar inferior. Sendo as rela §Ã‚ µes sagitais normais, a situa §Ã‚ £o de2 "Angle introduziu o termo "classe" para caracterizar rela §Ã‚ µes mesodistais distintas dos dentes. Arca das dent ¡rias e os maxilares que dependiam da posi §Ã‚ £o sagital dos primeiros molares permanentes, considerando-os como pontos fixos da arquictetura craniofacial" - CANUT BRUSOLA; ALCINA, E.P. Ortodontia Cl ­nica. Barcelona: Salvat, 1989, pags 101 e ss.Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico5maloclus £o consiste nas m ¡s posi §Ã‚ µes individuais dos dentes, anomalias nas rela §Ã‚ µes verticais,transversais ou o desvio sagital dos incisivos.Classe II: Maloclus µes caracterizadas pela rela §Ã‚ £o sagital anormal dos primeiros molares: o sulcovestibular do primeiro molar permanente inferior est ¡ em posi §Ã‚ £o distal relativamente    c ºspidemesio-vestibular do molar superior. Toda a arcada maxilar est ¡ anteriormente deslocada ou a arcadamandibular est ¡ retru ­da em rela §Ã‚ £o    superior.Dentro da classe II, distinguem-se diferentes tipos ou divis µes:Classe II-, divis £o 1/divis £o 2: Distinguem-se pela posi §Ã‚ £o do s incisivos superiores. A classe II,divis £o 1, caracteriza-se por estar com os incisivos em protus £o, aumentando a projec §Ã‚ £o. Na classeII, divis £o 2, os incisivos centrais superiores est £o retroinclinados e os incisivos laterais cominclina §Ã‚ £o vestibular. Existe uma diminui §Ã‚ £o da projec §Ã‚ £o e um aumento da sobremordidainterincisiva.Classe II - completa/incompleta: De acordo com o graude desvio sagital dos molares, uma classe II completa  ©aquela que a c ºspide distovestibular do primeiro molarsuperior est ¡ ao n ­vel do sulco vestibular inferior. Umaclasse II incompleta  © uma m ¡ rela §Ã‚ £o de grau inferior emque as faces mesiais est £o no mesmo plano vertical.Figura n º3 - Representa §Ã‚ £o esquem ¡tica Classe IIFonte: Treatment of malocclusion of the teethand fractures of the maxillae : Angle's system (1900)Classe II unilateral/bilateral: A classe II pode afectar as duas arcadas, direita e esquerda ou afectarsomente um dos lados. No caso em que  © unilateral chama-se classe II subdivis £o (direita ouesquerda).Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico6Classe III: O sulco vestibular do primeiro molar inferior est ¡ localizado mesialmente em rela §Ã‚ £o   c ºspide mesiovestibular do primeiro molar superior. A arcada dent ¡ria mandibular est ¡ projectada, amaxilar retru ­da. Tamb ©m se pode falar numa subdivis £o nos casos em que s ³ um lado est ¡ afectado,direito ou esquerdo. A rela §Ã‚ £o incisiva est ¡ invertida com os incisivos superiores ocluindo por lingualcom os inferiores.A s ©tima e  ºltima edi §Ã‚ £o do seu livro,Tratamento da Maloclus £o dos dentes (1907), tornou-seno principal da sua profiss £o. Angle det ©m 37 patentes eas suas mais reconhecidas aplica §Ã‚ µes s £o o Arcoexpansivo (E-arch - 1900), a aplica §Ã‚ £o pin-and-tube(1910), o arco ribbon (1916) e aplica §Ã‚ £o edgewise(1928/1929). A  ºltima, com algumas modifica §Ã‚ µes,  ©uma das mais aceites em Ortodontia. O modeloEdgewise primeiramente apresentado por Angle,resultado da experi ªncia adquirida nos modelos anteriores, consistia numa forma modificada dosbraquetes e posi §Ã‚ £o dos slots, colocando-os num plano horizontal, em vez de vertical. Esta aplica §Ã‚ £oera mantida em posi §Ã‚ £o por delicados fios de a §o inoxid ¡vel.Sendo assim, para al ©m de uma vida dedicada    investiga §Ã‚ £o, Angle dedicou-se de formabastante interessada ao ensino e em exclusivo a partir de 1911. O aluno mais brilhante da sua escolatalvez tenha sido Charles H. Tweed, p ³s-graduado em 1928. Por esta altura, Angle contava com 73anos e, pela primeira vez, n £o estava    frente do curso, que foi ministrado de forma improvisada porGeorge Hahn. Tweed estava com 33 anos. Angle ficou desapontado pelo modo como o aparelhoEdgewise foi recebido e estava insatisfeito com as modifica §Ã‚ µes que foram introduzidas por algunsde seus alunos. Decidiu es crever um artigo descrevendo a aparelhagem. Como Tweed havia rec ©mterminado o curso, e Angle admirava sua habilidade, convidou-o para ajud ¡-lo. Durante 7 semanaseles trabalharam juntos e, nesse processo, tornaram-se grandes amigos. Angle fez dois importantespedidos a seu jovem disc ­pulo:1) dedicar sua vida ao desenvolvimento do aparelho Edgewise e2) empreender todo esfor §o poss ­vel para que a Ortodontia fosse reconhecida comoespecialidade da Odontologia.Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico7Tweed n £o desapontou o mestre. Assegurou a aprova §Ã‚ £o da lei que reconhecia a Ortodontiacomo primeira especialidade da Odontologia, nos Estados Unidos.Edward Angle foi apontado por muitos como o maior g ©nio da Ortodontia, foi um homemperfeccionista e extremamente imaginativo contribuindo de forma marcante para o desenvolvimentoda ci ªncia Ortod ´ntica. Sendo um homem de ideias fixas, defendeu at © morrer (11 de Agosto de1930) uma pol ­tica n £ o extracionista dos dentes na Ortodontia. Esta vis £o foi abandonada pelo seudisc ­pulo Tweed alguns anos p ³s sua morte, com a apresenta §Ã‚ £o de um artigo com estudos de v ¡rioscasos cl ­nicos10. Angle, destacou-se essencialmente pela forma e capacidade de aplica §Ã‚ £o dosprinc ­pios b ¡sicos da mec ¢nica ao movimento dos dentes, em harmonia com disciplinas como aFisiologia e a pr ³pria Arte, possibilitando um conhecimento aprofundado dos problemas, causas esolu §Ã‚ µes de maloclus µes. Pouco tempo antes de morrer, Angle afirmou: "Terminei a minha obra. ‰t £o perfeita como pude faz ª-la".(13)A Ortodontia evoluiu de forma extensa e hoje em dia inclui o estudo do crescimentocraniofacial, o desenvolvimento da oclus £o e o tratamento de anormalidades dentofaciais."‰ importante entender a hist ³ria. No caso, a hist ³ria de um peda §o, de uma fase da Ortodontia, porque parase entender o que est ¡ acontecendo no presente, ou o que ir ¡ acontecer no futuro,  © necess ¡rio analisar opassado."(Oliver Wendell Holmes)Artur Filipe Sim µes - Novembro de 2008Edward H. Angle - um g ©nio intelectual e mec ¢nico8Refer ªncias Bibliogr ¡ficas1. ACKERMAN, J. L., PROFFIT, W. R. "The Caracteristics of Malocclusion: a Modern approach to Classification and Diagnosis", Am. J. Ortho., 56 (5), 443-454, nov., 1969.2. WAHL, N. "Orthodontics in 3 millennia." (Chapter 2: Entering the modern era.) Am J OrthodDentofacial Orthop; 127:510-5; 2005.3. ANGLE, E. H. 5th ed. Philadelphia, S.S. White manufacturing Co., 1897 4. CHAPMAN, H. "Orthodontics: fifty years in retrospect". Am J Orthod; 41:421-42. 1955 5. WEINBERGER, BW. "Dr Edward Hartley Angle: his influence on orthodontics". Am J Orthod1950; 36:596-607.6. WAHL, N. "Orthodontics in 3 millennia." (Chapter 2: Entering the modern era.) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop; 127:510-5; 2005.7. LA LUCE, MAURO. "Terapie Ortodontiche", 1 ª edi §Ã‚ £o, It ¡lia, Unione Tipografico, 200 2 (tr. it. de Alessandro Lombardi, Actualidades m ©dico odontol ³gicas latino americanas, Caracas -Venezuela, 2002)8. MOYERS, ROBERT. " Handobook of Orthodontics", 4 ª edi §Ã‚ £o, USA, Year book medical publishers, 1988.9. JACOBSON, B. N. Hist ³ria da Ortodontia nos Estados Unidos da Am ©rica. In: INTERLANDI, S.Ortodontia: bases para a inicia §Ã‚ £o. S £o Paulo: Ed. da USP, 1977.10. TWEED, C. H. "Clinical Orthodontics". St. Louis: C. V. Mosby, 1966. 11. ANGLE, E. H. "The latest and best in orthodontic mechanism".Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, v.70, no. 12, p. 1143-1158, 1928.12. GRABER, T.; VANARSDALL, R. L. J. Orthodontics current principles and techniques. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby, 2000.13. HANH, G. W. "Edward Hartley Angle (1855-1930). Am J Orthodont, 51:529-535, 1965. 14. ANGLE EH. "Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth and Fractures of the Maxillae, Angle'sSystem." 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: SS White Dental Manufacturing; 1900:5-15.15. CANUT BRUSOLA; ALCINA, E.P. Or todontia Cl ­nica. Barcelona: Salvat, 1989Dental needle-nose pliers designed by Fauchard in ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Choose an element and research its properties and uses. You must use Essay

Choose an element and research its properties and uses. You must use at least 2 reliable sources for your information. I do not want a list of properties; it must still be in paragraph format - Essay Example Magnesium can never be found in its natural free state because of its highly reactive nature and forms compounds readily such as magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate and magnesium fluoride. The melting point for magnesium is 1,200 °F and turns into a gas at 2,025 °F. It is 1.74 times denser than water (Uttley 2000). Burning of magnesium initiates a bright white light and ignites at 650 °C (Krebs 2006). Magnesium harbors a variety of helpful functions in the industrial and chemical world. Magnesium due to its bright flame properties is used in aerial flares and was used as aerial firebombs during war. Magnesium is considered a good construction metal and is used in aircrafts, space and automobile industries. Magnesium is also used in the process of thermal reduction to produce other metals such as zinc, nickel and zirconium. Milk of Magnesia is used as an antacid; magnesium in Epsom salts is used as laxatives and for treating laxatives and Epsom salts are also used for tanning leathers (Krebs 2006). Chemistry is not merely the science of matter and studying different interactions and energy processes of matter, it also makes use of the knowledge to incorporate it in the daily life activities for human benefit. The study of different properties of Magnesium and the ability of magnesium to form an array of compounds enables it to be used for a plethora of purposes in the automobile and aircraft industries, pharmacological uses, leather factories, chemical industries and war-related purposes. Krebs, Robert E.  The History and Use of Our Earths Chemical Elements: A Reference Guide. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2006. Print. Uttley,