Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Executive Summary for Computer Business Assignment

Executive Summary for Computer Business - Assignment Example The target market of Computer Heaven will be computer enthusiasts of all ages. It will also compete in the business to business market segment. The computer enthusiasts of all age shall be composed of end users at home and gamers. The business will also focus on computer arcades where orders are in bulk not to mention that it needs maintenance which is also an aspect of Computer Heaven’s business. The business to business market segments are large companies that will order in scale due to the sheer size of company and its operation. This segment shall be the profit center of Computer Heaven due to the scalability of business in addition to the long-term prospect of the business. Also, business to business market segment is advantageous to Computer Heaven’s bottom line as it requires maintenance due to the heavy use of its computers allowing a perpetual generation of revenue for the company. The firm plans to use a customer intimacy model to increase the customer retention of the firm. The firm will also maintain good working relationships with other stakeholder groups such as employees, lenders, and suppliers. Computer Heaven will differentiate itself from competition by delivering exceptional and consistent customer service and after sales technical support that will cultivate long-term relationship from its clients. Customer relation shall be the main driver of the company’s business for various reasons. First, it will discourage existing clients from considering competitors and second, it is more cost efficient to cultivate relationship with existing clients than to attract new clients. Pricing shall be used also as leverage in maintaining relationship with customers by offering discounts at an already lowered price in addition to an unparalleled customer service and after sales technical support. Computer Heaven will be enabled to offer

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Death Penalty Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Death Penalty Debate - Essay Example The main argument in favor of death penalty is the possibility of an innocent person being mistakenly executed. Given the long and rigorous justice process that precedes the conviction of a person beyond a shadow of doubt, the risk of such an incidence is extremely low. There are also arguments that a criminal can still reform and atone. Opponents of death penalty argue that society should not give up on wrongdoers altogether. In my opinion, it is the victim's near and dear ones who can give a fitting answer to this question. I am sure that the parents whose daughter has been raped and killed in cold blood will not forgive the criminal. It is the society's responsibility that they should get justice. Capital punishment is a reflection of the public belief that some crimes so grievously offend humanity as to merit a death punishment (Sharp, 2000). Perhaps this is why it still finds support in many of the world's nations (Wikipedia, 2007 ). It has been proved that convicted criminals freed on parole or probation commit thousands of violent crimes every year, thus endangering the lives and property of many innocents (Sharp, 1997). Therefore, the death penalty saves lives in the long run. It should definitely be given for extreme crimes in order to deliver justice to the victimized as well as to deter future offenders. i) Deterrence - The main advantages of this punishment in this philosophy is that many future crimes either by the